All the Way to Hell is an activist art project for disrupting fossil fuel development on private land in the U.S.

All the Way to Hell converts hundreds of individual gestures into a new form of environmental resistance at the intersection of property law, fossil fuel business practice, and bureaucracy. 

All the Way to Hell is transferring its mineral rights to hundreds of people. Because it costs developers just as much to acquire 500 acres as it does small properties—they have to track down owners, negotiate leases, and file documents with the county clerk—this aggressive fragmentation of the property will inhibit fossil fuel interest in it. In agreeing to have your name on a deed, you express radical care for people and environments that may be geographically and generationally distant. All the Way to Hell will continue to scale.

We now have over 8000+ new owners! We welcome more volunteers. Please sign up to get minerals and get in the way of fracking. Thank you!

All the Way to Hell is grateful for the support from: